Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Our hours of operations are 7:30am to 5:30 am M-F.

  • Our caregiver-to-child ratio is 1:6.

  • Pinecone currently serves children aged 1 to 6 years old.

  • Yes, we're certified a family home child care center by the Oregon Department of Early Learning and we're dedicated to offer exceptional care and education.

  • We integrate the best elements from several educational philosophies, including Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia. Our child-centered and flexible approach is designed to foster creativity, encourage exploration, and build a deep connection with the world around each child.

  • We take pride in selecting educators who are passionate about nurturing young minds and their own professional growth. Our 1:6 child-to-teacher ratio reflects our deep commitment to providing each child with the individual attention they deserve—far surpassing the ratios commonly found in schools and most child care settings. By maintaining smaller groups, we ensure that our educators can truly connect with and care for every child. We also invest in ongoing professional development, foster a collaborative culture, and create an environment where educators feel valued and empowered. Just as we nurture the children, we ensure our teachers are supported, inspired, and proud to be part of Pinecone.

Curriculum & Activities

  • At Pinecone, we offer a variety of activities that support independence, creativity, and social-emotional growth. Our hands-on experiences include practical life activities such as care of self and care of the environment, where children learn to take responsibility for their surroundings and their personal needs. Tasks like pouring, tidying, and organizing give children the chance to build coordination, concentration, and confidence in their abilities.

    We also incorporate activities that promote sensory exploration, early math, language development, and art, encouraging children to follow their interests and progress at their own pace. Group experiences such as songs, storytelling, and outdoor play help foster communication and a sense of community. Through these activities, children practice collaboration and build essential life skills, all while enjoying a joyful and enriching learning environment.

  • At Pinecone, our daily schedule is thoughtfully crafted with a developmental psychology approach in mind, ensuring a balanced, enriching experience that promotes your child’s growth, well-being, and love for learning. Every part of our day is designed to align with children’s natural rhythms, providing the perfect mix of stimulation, relaxation, and social connection.

    7:30 - 8:25 AM: Sunrise Club
    A calm, inviting start to the day, with quiet, engaging activities to gently transition into the morning.

    8:25 - 8:40 AM: Gather & Nourish
    Arrival and a nutritious breakfast to energize children for the exciting day ahead.

    7:30 - 8:25 AM: Sunrise Club
    A calm, inviting start to the day, with quiet, engaging activities to gently transition into the morning.

    8:25 - 8:40 AM: Gather & Nourish
    Arrival and a nutritious breakfast to energize children for the exciting day ahead.

    8:30 - 10:30 AM: Discovery Time
    Our work cycle where children dive into hands-on learning and creative exploration, allowing them to focus deeply and develop key skills.

    10:30 - 11:30 AM: Outdoor Adventures
    Time for active play in nature, encouraging physical development, imagination, and social interaction.

    11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Family Feast
    A wholesome lunch that fosters community and nurtures healthy eating habits.

    12:15 - 2:45 PM: Relax & Recharge
    A peaceful period of relaxation and napping to restore energy, helping children process their morning’s experiences through storytime.

    2:45 - 5:30 PM: Afternoon Tea & Exploration
    A light snack followed by open-ended activities, offering a blend of fun indoor and outdoor play, and focus to gently wind down the day. Our work cycle where children dive into hands-on learning and creative exploration, allowing them to focus deeply and develop key skills.

  • At Pinecone, we blend Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia philosophies to create a balanced education that supports all aspects of a child's development. These philosophies directly inform our daily activities:

    • Montessori encourages child-centered learning, where children choose tasks like pouring, sorting, and dressing, promoting independence and practical life skills. Our prepared environment offers materials that align with their developmental stage, fostering self-directed discovery.

    • Waldorf's emphasis on imaginative play is seen in creative storytelling, role-play, and nature-based activities that develop cognitive and emotional skills. Consistent rhythms and routines provide a comforting structure that supports a sense of security and well-being.

    • Reggio Emilia’s focus on project-based learning informs collaborative activities where children work together on long-term projects, exploring topics that interest them. We view the environment as a third teacher, with thoughtfully designed spaces that encourage communication, creativity, and exploration.

    This holistic approach prepares children not only for academic success but for a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

Health & Safety

  • Safety is our top priority. Our facilities are secure, with controlled access to ensure only authorized individuals can enter. We also have strict protocols for child pick-up and drop-off, and all staff members are trained in emergency procedures.

    We believe that a clean environment is essential to nurturing both personal and environmental care. We go beyond the basics, using allergen-free, LEED-certified cleaning materials to ensure that our spaces are as healthy as they are welcoming. Our facilities are not only disinfected daily but refreshed throughout the day, with every precaution taken to create a safe and pristine environment for your little one. By promoting personal hygiene practices and fostering a love for caring for their surroundings, we empower children to embrace habits that will serve them for a lifetime.

  • Fire
    In the event of a fire we will evacuate to the orchard. Fire drills are performed on a monthly basis so that children are accustomed to the routine. Parents will be notified in the case of a real  evacuation and asked to pick up their children immediately. If parents cannot be reached  then we will call your designated emergency contacts. We will have basic emergency supplies  with us at our evacuation site but prompt pick-up is paramount to the children’s safety.  

    Emergency provisions for each child are kept on site in the event that we are not able to  leave the building. Parents will be contacted immediately to coordinate pick-ups, if parents  cannot be reached then we will call your designated emergency contacts. If phone lines are  down, we will remain in the building until each child is retrieved. Often, in these emergency  situations, phone lines in the state will be jammed, in that case we will also attempt to  communicate via email. 

    Lock Down: 
    If we become aware of a situation that warrants a lock-down of our building, children will  congregate inside away from the exits and windows until the threat has passed. We have  blinds installed on every window that will be drawn and doors will be kept locked. We will call parents to notify them of the lock down situation. Pick-up will proceed as normal.  

    Power Outage: 
    We have supplies on hand in the event of a temporary power outage: flashlights, food,  blankets, etc. 

    Serious Illness or Injury: 
    If a child becomes seriously ill or injured we will call an ambulance to take your child to the  nearest hospital (OHSU Children's Hospital). The EMS technicians will be given your  signed emergency consent form so that they can begin implementing medical help  immediately. We will call the child's family immediately after activating emergency services  to notify them and request they meet the child at school or at the hospital. If the parents can  not be reached then we will call your emergency contacts.  

  • If your child will not be at school because of illness, please contact your child’s teacher and admin by text or email, please include your child’s symptoms in this communication. 

    Your child must be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours prior to the next school  day. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms at school, we will call you to take them home. State licensing requires that we send children home if we observe any of the  following symptoms:  

    • Fever over 100 degrees taken under the arm

    • Diarrhea (more than abnormally loose, runny, watery or bloody stool)

    • Nausea

    • Severe Cough

    • Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes

    • Skin or eye lesions that are severe, weeping or pus - filled

    • Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above

  • Pinecone has a mandatory immunization policy, which means that all children should be scheduled to receive all required immunizations. Immunization information will be collected from parents upon enrollment and again each November via an online database. 

  • We must be notified of any and all food allergies that your child has, we will refrain from serving those foods to your child. If your child’s allergy is severe or life-threatening then we will work together to form a plan to ensure your child’s safety at school. We will provide an allergy plan form for parents and teachers to fill out together, this form will go in your  child’s file.  

    If your child has a special diet, such as vegan or gluten-free, we will label the meals on our  menu that fit your preferences. We may ask you to supplement our food program with foods  from home if your child follows a special diet or has allergies that we cannot accommodate.  

Meals & Nutrition

  • Yes, we provide breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks and lunch.

     Foods provided by Pinecone are vegetarian, fresh, nutritious, balanced and purchased from commercial sources. We  participate in the USDA food program and follow their guidelines when considering  portions and food choices.

    Monthly lunch and snack menus will be sent out via email to families. 

Enrollment & Fees

  • We understand how important choosing the right childcare is for your family, which is why we've designed a four step admissions and enrollment process to be simple and seamless. Our goal is to help parents feel confident and informed about their options every step of the way. Here’s how it works:

    1. Fill Out Our Inquiry Form 
      Begin by filling out our inquiry form. Once submitted, our team will reach out to schedule a tour of our home.

    2. Schedule a Tour
      This is your chance to visit in person, explore our space, and ask any questions you may have as we walk you through our approach to early childhood education. 

    3. Submit Your Application
      After your tour, if Pinecone feels like the right fit for you and your family, the next step is to complete and submit your application.

    4. Interview & Enrollment 
      After we receive your application, we’ll schedule an in-person interview. During this time, we’ll guide you through the enrollment process to complete all  necessary paperwork.

  • Our tuition is structured to offer all-day care:

    • Tuition: $2,500* (7:30 AM to 5:30 PM)

    • Sibling Discount: 10% off

    • Referral Discount: Refer a family to Pinecone, and when they enroll, both you and the new family receive a $250 tuition credit

  • We aim to keep fees minimal and transparent. Additional costs include:

    • Tuition Deposit: $1,000, which rolls over annually while your child remains in the program. This deposit is refundable with 60 days' notice or a qualifying life event (please see our policy for details)

    • Enrollment Fee: $475

  • We accept Prepayment,  ACH and/or Credit Card Payments

Communication & Parental Involvement

  • At Pinecone, communication with parents is a shared journey. Through our childcare management software we offer more than just updates; we create an ongoing conversation about your child’s daily experiences, growth, and milestones. This platform allows us to stay connected in real time, while also giving you the opportunity to look back and reflect on your child's progress. We believe in a partnership where every triumph and challenge is shared, keeping you deeply involved in your child’s development every step of the way.

  • At Pinecone, we value the close partnership we build with parents and understand the desire to stay connected to your child’s daily experience. While we are always open to communication, frequent unplanned visits during the day can sometimes make it difficult for children to fully settle into their routines, as seeing a parent briefly can be emotionally challenging for them or their peers.

    To help your child bond with their teachers and environment, we encourage parents to allow time for this adjustment. However, we warmly welcome opportunities for parents to observe their child’s day once the classroom has settled, providing a glimpse into their learning without disrupting their sense of stability.

    Our goal is to ensure that every child feels secure and supported, while keeping parents closely connected and informed along the way.

  • If a parent has a concern or grievance with Pinecone, please reach out to Shazia via email and a meeting will be scheduled. The administration is available to address any concerns or answer any questions. We pride  ourselves on providing transparent and responsive leadership and we will respond as  promptly and thoroughly as possible. 

Policies & Procedures

  • When children have the freedom to develop according to their own individual needs and interests, they develop an “inner discipline.” until the child has developed this inner discipline, outer guidance is necessary. In these instances, the child is guided in finding a more constructive and purposeful activity. 

    Pinecone’s discipline policy is as follows: 

    “The development of inner-discipline of the child is a primary goal of Pinecone. As with the rest of the classroom procedures, the aim of discipline is to develop the full potential of each child. This begins by fostering inner-discipline through the classroom environment, and the development of the relationship between the adult and the children. The classroom is designed to develop a sense of order in children. In addition,  the mixed age group gives the younger children an opportunity to emulate the more mature  behavior of the older children. Children are introduced to communication and conflict resolution skills through lessons and group activities through “Grace and Courtesy” lessons which help the children learn appropriate behaviors in social situations. Discipline is seen as a guidance rather than a punishment.”

    We request that families create a similar approach at home. It requires consistency, and creates a safety haven for children in knowing what the expectations are. It also is more effective when our program and your parenting style are in tandem. We are here to support you in your parenting journey.

    Parents are contacted in the case of a repeated misbehavior or a single serious incident. If there is a continuous discipline problem, we will arrange a conference with the parents.

  • On your enrollment paperwork you will be prompted to provide individuals that are  authorized to pick-up your child from care.  

    If someone other than a parent picks up a child from Pinecone Childcare the following must happen: 

    • A verbal or written notice from the parent that someone else will be picking up your child.  

    • If someone other than a parent arrives to pick your child up and they are not on your  authorized pick-up list then we will call you to receive confirmation. 

    • If someone other than a parent is scheduled to pick-up your child regularly please  share the specific schedule with your teacher. Example: Grandma June will pick up  Charlie every Wednesday.  

    • Every authorized pick-up person must arrive with their photo ID which will be  checked by staff before your child is released to them. Please provide your teachers  with your authorized pick-up's full name.  

    • After we have checked an authorized pick-up person's ID the first time then they do  not have to have it checked for future pick-ups. They should still plan on having it on  them in case a different staff member is there at pick-up.  

  • There is no screen time at Pinecone.

Plan your visit

Connect with our educators to see how we can make your child's transition from home to Pinecone smooth and joyful. Reach out to schedule a personal tour of our Lake Oswego location.